Saturday, September 6, 2008

In Palin sight...

I don't generally like to get political on this blog, but I've been involved in an interesting discussion over at my friend Matt's blog. He's what I would consider a moderate liberal, and he recently wrote an entry on Governor Palin's nomination. Between Matt, a mutual friend Dusty, Matt's brother-in-law Nathaniel, and I, we've had quite a good debate going on. The later comments are turning into more of a pissing match than anything else, but there was some good substance early on. I don't know if any of my readers are remotely interested in US politics, but if you are, it might be worth a look. (You'll know my posts as they often include a grammar correction about another post.)


Maffers said...

Glad to have you involved.

Visichy said...

Interesting reading... mostly about how my brother and I are so politically opposite.