Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Anonymous comments

So I wasn't sure if I would do anything about this, but I decided I will...

I received an anonymous comment on my last entry. I promptly deleted it, not because it was embarrassing or rude (if this were the case, I wouldn't be quoting it here), but rather because I didn't want a string of comments about that comment where I would prefer the comments for that post to about that post.

Here then is the comment in question:

"You suck at blogging! Much ado about nothing!
Please stop thinking aloud! Keep the boring thoughts to yourself!"

First let me just say that I appreciate the comparison to Shakespeare! And if "You suck at blogging" is anything like "You Suck At Photoshop" (check it out on YouTube, very funny stuff), then again, I'm flattered.

Without being too combative, I must admit that posting a comment that says, "Please stop thinking aloud! Keep the boring thoughts to yourself!" could also be quite self-referential. Aside from this, it's also fair to point out that I have never been one to promote my blog to the general public. As such, I suppose I have been keeping my thoughts to myself, but thanks for supporting my current actions.

I guess what I'm really getting at here is:
a) This doesn't really bother me, but I do like having fun with such comments; and
b) I find it interesting that people hide behind the mask of anonymity in order to keep from being revealed as hypocritical.

1 comment:

Visichy said...

What's up with the anonymous haters in your life? LOL. Maybe you cut someone off in traffic and they've tracked down your blog???? It's all very strange.