Saturday, May 24, 2008

Winners and losers

Wow, the spirit of competition is alive and well in my world right now. And by "my world" I mean the stuff I watch on TV!

NHL Playoffs:
The playoffs are nearing an end, as the final round begins today. I'm hoping Detroit (I can't believe I'm actually saying this) wins the Stanley Cup this year. I'm no Detroit Red Wings fan, by any stretch of the imagination, but I also don't want to see Pittsburgh win the Cup. There's far too much hype around Sidney Crosby, and if nothing else, I don't want them to win because he should not be wearing the 'C' on his jersey! The only player on that team who should have even been considered for the role of Captain is Gary Roberts! He's payed his dues more than anyone else there. Besides this, if Pittsburgh wins, there will suddenly be this (temporary, I'm sure) resurgence of support for the Penguins, and they won't be able to relocate to Canada, where they should be! But anyway, that's my rant for the day. Onto other competition...

American Idol:
The "Battle of the Davids" concluded this week. Let's face it, we all knew these would be the final two before the top 12. This season of Idol was the only American one I've ever watched from beginning to end. I've seen a few odd episodes of previous seasons, and I watched one full season of Canadian Idol (BTW, Theresa Sokyrka was way better than Kalan Porter!), but I've never seen quite as much talent as I saw during this entire season. Michael Johns was the one that got me hooked when he sang Bohemian Rhapsody during the top 100. There were even people who didn't make the top 24 that I would've loved to hear more of. That said, there was certainly no shortage of questionable singers that made it quite far. Oh well. On to the roundup.

The top 5, I would easily buy albums from any of these 5. They all have very unique styles. They all have amazing vocal ability. They all are entertaining in their own way. But... The choice came down to two things: vocal ability vs. performance ability. I've heard a few people complaining that the American public got it wrong, that Archuleta was the superior singer, and that Cook's vocal abilities were weak in comparison. I agree, sort of. Archuleta was indeed the better vocalist; I don't think anyone can really argue against this. However, Cook brought so much more to the stage. Cook was a performance artist, and an excellent one at that. He came out on the stage with confidence, did his thing, was grateful for any praise and/or criticism, and was still confident and ready to roll again at a moment's notice. Archuleta, on the other hand, was bashful to a fault as soon as the song was done. He didn't know how to handle the adoration or the criticism. And worst of all, he came out and sang the same song every week! Okay, not literally the same song, but if you saw the performances, you know what I mean. He just didn't display the versatility that Cook did. The fact is that over 50 million people voted for Cook, who won by over 12 million votes. I don't believe the final night of voting was his best night, but the voters obviously chose who they thought was better over all. If you have any doubt about Cook's validity as a star, just look back at some of his performances (you can find them on YouTube), such as Hello, or Billie Jean.

Speaking of one-on-one battles, there have been some amazing UFC fights lately! From the success of local Jason Day (from Ft. Macleod, fighting out of Lethbridge), who won his UFC debut in UFC 83, to the return of GSP (Georges St. Pierre) to undisputed champion status after defeating Matt Serra at the same event in Montreal last month. Tonight UFC 84 takes place with a great, though not quite as great, card lined up. I'm excited to see Sherk beat Penn, but even more excited to watch Ortiz lose what could be his last ever fight in the UFC. I'm also hoping Silva can beat Jardine.

Over the last couple years I've been growing more and more into a fan of MMA in general, especially UFC. As I learn more about the sport, I find myself being able to analyze the moves of the fighters, the strategy involved, and the shear talent that some of them possess. MMA is certainly the best of all the combat sports, and makes boxing look like a game for kids. I might even be willing to say that I'm probably now a bigger MMA fan than I am a hockey fan. And that's saying a lot! I totally understand how it's not something that everyone would be interested in, since on the surface it appears either barbaric (there can sometimes be a lot of blood) or boring (the ground game isn't too exciting unless you know what to look for). That said, for anyone willing to get through the surface and see what's really happening, it really is an amazing sport with some of the best athletes I've ever seen.

So that's it. Throw in some NBA finals (which I've not really been following), the WHL playoffs (Lethbridge Hurricanes only lost to the team that will likely be the Memorial Cups winners before the weekend is through), and the baseball season starting up (snore-fest for the first half of the season, as always), and there's certainly no shortage of competition to talk about. Oh, and let's not forget So You Think You Can Dance! (Actually, can we please forget it?) I'm looking forward to seeing if this coming season of Canadian Idol is going to be any good.

Wow, 2 blog posts this week! I wonder if I can keep this up.


Louisa said...

Amen, brother!!

If Pittsburgh wins we'll NEVER hear the end of Sidney "answer to all the world's problems" Crosby. He's a good player but sheesh. He'd get eaten up if he played in the much tougher Western Conference. I don't like Detroit but at least I won't get sick watching Lidstrom hoist the Cup.

Agreed also re American Idol. I've seen a couple interviews with David Cook since the win and he's pretty funny and personable. And he's great musically and creatively. He just rocks. :-)

Keep on posting!

Visichy said...


I don't care about Am. Idol or UFC so I have no comment about those.