Thursday, February 1, 2007

Another month...

Alright, it's February, and I know you've all been rapt in anticipation of my next instalment so here it is.

I really don't have a whole lot of news, except that I tore a muscle in my shoulder at work the other day. I was lifting a desk into a car (when are people going to learn to bring a truck or van when shopping for furniture, or else let us deliver, since we do it for free) into which it refused to fit. This happened to be a rather heavy desk (it said it was a two man job on the box) but I'm a stud do I figured I'd do it myself. Anyway, it didn't fit, so I put it back on the dolly and wheeled it back into the store. On the way back in I noticed that my shoulder was hurting, but I figured I just strained the muscle a bit, and that I'd be fine. Within about five minutes I realized that the pain was only getting worse, and that I couldn't use my left arm at all. I filled out a WCB form, went home, iced it, went to the clinic, got told by the doctor that I tore a muscle, and now I have an excuse to be a wimp at work for a week or two. (I can't lift anything more than 10 lbs with my left arm. Doctor's orders!) I'll be fine, it just hurts a bit, and I might pick up some muscle relaxants if it continues to bug me.

Aside from that, the new Windows OS is out (Windows Vista). I get to play around with it at work, and as amazing as it is, with all the great new features and enhancements, I just like the new ink-ball game that's included. I'm such a dork!


Visichy said...

LOL! I'd be all about the new game too :)

Get well soon little bro!

Louisa said...

Yes you are a dork. :-) Just kidding. I hope you feel better soon.

Carlson02 said...

Hope your shoulder feels better soon!

Silverwood said...

Get better soon Ben!!
All the best.